Canned Spinach and Spam Location in Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise

Where to find Pastor Tyrone Sanders’ Items: Canned Spinach Vending Machine Location (Map Picture Included)

Home»Game Guides»Deadly Premonition 2 Guides Hubpage»Canned Spinach and Spam Location Guide

Stressed out because Deadly Premonition 2 has a main quest where you need to find canned spinach from an unmarked vending machine?

Don’t worry, you don’t need to go searching through the whole town for a vending machine with canned spinach, the location is shown in the images below! (Please click on the images to see them larger in high resolution!)

If you’d prefer to watch a guide on YouTube, please see our Deadly Premonition 2 playlist here, we go through all the sidequests, minigames, and main quests!

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